This was our storage buliding. It is now.....well...we still have stuff in there because we're afraid to go in! 3 trees on it and 1 in it. It's totalled! Also--between where I was standing taking the pic and the can see some tin on the ground....well that was where my Antique Car is usually parked. Thank goodness it wasn't there then!
When I was looking through our photo's trying to decide what to put up here--I had a lot of trouble finding some that people would understand what they were looking at. I mean I have a million pictures of uprooted trees--but to someone who didn't know--they wouldn't know it wasnt the same tree!
From my Mom and Dad's front porch--you could see 23 uprooted trees and 10 snapped trees. That doesn't count the 20 however many that fell in their backyard or the half a million that fell at my house--orrrr the other half a million that fell in their "woods" behind their house.
It was really strange seeing what was down--sometimes a BIGGGG tree would have fallen and a little bitty one right next to it was fine--sometimes a litttttttle bitty bush would be down--I mean for heavens sake--a boxwood bush? How does wind uproot a boxwood bush?? Really strange what stayed and what went.
My family and I were blessed. We didn't have REAL damage to our homes--and a lot of people did have major damage to their homes. We personally were without power for 16 days and are just as lucky as we can be to have a phone line still. My Mom's was broken by a falling tree and the phone company told her they couldn't guarantee service until November 15th! ha!!! Can you believe that!?
Gas was impossible to get for the first week and then if you waited in line for 3 or more hours you could maybe get 5 gallons. I know people who waited in line 8 hours for ice. People were stealing gas out of other people's gas tanks---in a town close to here a brother killed his sister over a bag of ice. It was nuts.
Mom and Dad had a generator and gas enough for the first week--so we were able to keep things cold. Shane and I bought a chainsaw and generator ourselves after the first week. We just had to--there was too much to do!
I hope I never have to go through something like this again. It has been an experience!
I know I learned what is important to me--
This isn't at our home--but it is in the town we live in. These people had a lot of pines (like most people here) but they are going about disposal of them in a way that's different from most people. Most of us are cutting them up and burning them or doing pulp wood with them. They must be planning to use a portable sawmill or something. I haven't seen but maybe 2 or 3 more houses with wood stacked like this. I just had to take a pic of it. It's easier for people to see in a picture just how many trees were torn down by the storm. I am sure that we have this many trees down here on our property--you just can't see it like this shows it. Amazing.